**If you like anime, steam-punk, The Matrix, hot chicks in skirts, action, Inception, Alice in Wonderland, The Lord of the Rings, and some really kicking tunes or even all of those combined, then Sucker Punch is the movie for you!**

Just finished watching the movie Sucker Punch. I don’t know where to begin. I love this movie! Is it going to be in my top ten? Probably not. But visuals and action are stellar and the stories have stories.

The movie is directed by Zack Snyder who directed The Watchmen and 300. And the style is right along the same lines. Add a kick a** soundtrack backing all the scenes produced by Marius de Vries who was also musical director for Moulin Rouge… Now do you get the picture? Let me go a little deeper…

The plot is pretty straight forward: girl institutuionalized, girl plots to escape, etc etc. There are even some predictable plot points. (I picked out a few in the first 10 minutes) But there are others that are really ‘twisty.’ (Yeah, that’s a word… I just said it didn’t I?) This includes the fact there are different layers to the story. Imagine Inception on meth. One person called it “Alice In Wonderland with machine guns,” and I tend to agree.

OK, now the important parts (see if these appeal to you):

The movie tends to blend so many different visual and action elements together with bass thumping alt-tunes (including a remake of Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit) that I’m not even sure where to start. That alone makes it unique. And there seems to be something for everyone. Well, maybe not your Aunt Hilda who prefers Gone With the Wind, but if she likes The Wizard of Oz meets One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest with a mash-up of I Want It All and We Will Rock You by Queen with Rap by Armageddon aka Geddy, well then Aunt Hilda rocks!

The action involves 5 very attractive women in very small outfits fighting their way out of impossible situations. And it’s not just “hot chicks in skirts.” These women kick some serious butt with some very Matrix-style moves and some the Matrix could only aspire to.  The battles these women have aren’t your everyday battles. They transcend time and motifs. One battle occurs in a World War II time period with steam-punk Nazis and anime style battle vehicles. Another… well imagine three attractive women in short skirts mowing down all the orcs of Mordor (The Lord of the Rings!) with machine guns and swords and then taking on Smaug the dragon!! And then move into the future and fight I, Robot style mechanized men! And don’t forget the giant samurai! Whew! Now don’t let me confuse you.

Sucker Punch keeps the action going and the story moving. It does it with very visually stimulating storytelling and never lets you catch your breath. I recommend it. 🙂