Whenever I hear a new movie is being made based on a book I’ve read I always fear the worst. Books express such a deeper level of feeling and understanding of the characters and stories involved. They can do this because you can basically read the minds of those characters… their thoughts and feelings are laid open for you. You know all the backstories, the past lives.

Twilight PosterTranslating these thoughts and feelings doesn’t always work in a fully visual medium. Take, for instance, the Twilight series of books. I loved the books. Then came the first movie, Twilight. It was horrible. Let alone the bad acting, so much was hacked from the book in an apparent attempt to make a cheaper movie (it’s almost a certainty they weren’t sure the series would take off like it did and had a limited budget available). Unfortunately, the movie turned out badly.

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On the flipside, The Lord of the Rings series and the newest prequel, The Hobbit, had a major budget and turned out wonderfully. The movies were expertly directed by Peter Jackson, the actors had amazing depth, the locations grandiose, and the script was almost directly from the books. The last film went on to win all 11 of it’s Academy Award nominations. It was a major success and successfully translated the books to film. Even then, any true fan of the books will tell you they prefer the written word over the films.



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This leads me to two new films which make the attempt of moving a book to film: Cloud Atlas and Beautiful Creatures. They recently released on DVD/Blu-ray. What is interesting about these is the fact that I had never read the books. It was an interest in the trailers which sparked my interest in the books. I wanted to read the stories before seeing the movies. I liked the books quite a bit. Cloud Atlas quickly became one of my favorites because it successfully wove a thread throughout time of the same star-crossed lovers. Beautiful Creatures was a Twilight style story, thrilling in its own right. How well did they make the transfer to film? Read on.

Cloud Atlas, starring Tom Hanks and Halle Berry, takes us on a journey spanning several generations, but yet following the same two lovers through several reincarnations. The book is wonderfully written with each generation in two acts. The first half of the story of each generation is presented in the first half of the book leading up to a post apocalypse future. the second half of the book then back tracks the second halves of those stories, connecting the dots, and fulfilling the readers’ thirst to know what happens in each portion of the timeline. It’s finished off with a “wrap-up” chapter, further completing the storyline. The movie, instead, takes us “time-jumping” across all the time periods, sometimes in rapid succession. the directors of the Matrix, Andy and Lana Wachowski, present this version. They made a conscious decision to take this tactic. Unfortunately, it seems to fall a little flat when compared to the storytelling of the book. the movie tends to get confusing, even after reading the book, because of all the jumping around between time periods. Many of the characters lose their personalities because the depth isn’t given to them. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is still worth the watch. It’s a valuable story with a wonderful message and very interesting twists. It’s very likable because it’s very different from your average film. It involves all the same actors in every generational story. It’s amazing how they portray different characters in different times and with different makeup treatments to make them fit in with the common folkways of the eras. There is even a very amusing point when Hugo Weaving plays a “Nurse Ratchet” style nursing home attendant. Overall, the movie is good and worth watching, but it still never reaches the pinnacle of the book. I rate it an 8 out of 10.

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Where Cloud Atlas becomes somewhat successful with the leap to film, Beautiful Creatures falls sadly short. BC involves a teenage boy who meets the girl of his dreams, literally. He has dreamed of her for months. When she moves into town, he immediately falls for her because there is a connection between the two, their destinies are intertwined. He finds out very quickly that she is a ‘caster’, a witch, for lack of a better term. Her family is full of good and evil members who all have powers. When she reaches her 16th birthday, she will be ‘claimed’ for evil or for good. She apparently has no choice in which way she goes. This is the basis of the story. Read the book to find how it ends, I recommend it. I enjoyed the book almost as much as the Twilight series. It felt a little more raw and unfinished, but still a good story of the supernatural with different twists. As for the film, several liberties are taken with the story. Some of the major characters in the book are now minor characters, and some of the most important scenes are dropped from the movie or become afterthoughts in the director’s story. And other scenes are completely rewritten for the screen and are almost unrecognizable. Many of the ‘caster’ family members are straight up caricatures. It’s disappointing because Jeremy Irons and Emma Thompson play two of the leading characters. I want the film to be so much more because they are fine actors. Unfortunately, it’s not a good vehicle for them. The lead character, Ethan, has a voice and mannerisms that are truly annoying. The lead actress, Alice Englert, appears to be very good, but this movie doesn’t let her shine. To make a long story short, this film could be likable. Maybe, if you haven’t read the book, the film will be something better for you. If you’ve read the book, it is most likely disappointing. I give it 6.5 out of 10.

In the end, the movie is never better than the book. It only saves you reading large chunks of material and the time spent on the written word. Books allow you to completely immerse yourself into a world completely different than your own. If you can, always read the book before seeing the film.

Be aware, some films will still turn out great, even from books, but some just can’t make this leap from page to screen successfully. Take, for example, Harry Potter. The films have been wonderful additions to bring the books to life. We will also see what the future has in store for books to movies. Next month World War Z comes to the big screen. I’m currently in the midst of the book, but I can’t imagine the style it is written in transferring well. The trailer appears to focus on one family whereas the book is a mash-up of many stories.

Read the books, see the movies, and you make the judgement.