Every year I have a guilty pleasure when Halloween is concerned. I love to pull out the old 1986 movie Trick or Treat. I’m not talking about the new Trick R Treat, but a completely 80s movie celebrating both Halloween and the heavy metal spirit.

Rock star Sammi Curr dies. High school student and #1 fan Eddie Weinbauer (played by Marc Price, the guy who played ‘Skippy’ on Family Ties) is devastated. Upset, he goes to his local disc jockey friend, Nuke (played by real rock star Gene Simmons from the band KISS and his own show Family Jewels, plus the 80s movie Runaway). Nuke gives him a one-of-a-kind pressing of what would have been Curr’s next album, the only copy of it anywhere. Soon Eddie is rocking to the album, but he soon discovers that when he plays the record backwards Curr actually talks to him from beyond the grave. Eddie quickly realizes that Curr was a Satanist who is trying to live forever through his music. Eddie has to set out to stop him, any way he can .

The story leads through some funny moments, some real thrills and chills, and even Ozzy Osbourne playing an activist reverend! It’s a fun heavy metal ride including some catchy tunes by rockers Fastway (yes, I own the soundtrack on cassette). If you like metal and want a fun little trip to Halloween land, check it out.