Looking for a family fun Halloween film which even the children can watch? Want something different than the same old Nightmare Before Christmas? Check out the classic film Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein!

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello continue to be their zany selves as they portray baggage handlers in this 1948 film. They are thoroughly haunted throughout the film as Universal Pictures re-creates it classic monsters in a humorous way. Indeed, the original actors (under strict contract with Universal Pictures as most actors were in those days) reprise their roles as Dracula (the splendid Bela Lugosi), the Wolfman (Lon Chaney, Jr.), and Frankenstein’s Monster (played by Glenn Strange reprising his role from House of Frankenstein, which is less fulfilling than if they had the original Boris Karloff, but it’s still good ). All three monsters are together in one film… a monster film lover’s delight! Not only that, they are wreaking havoc on poor Costello’s nerves and bladder. Costello plays it so well as the bungling, but lovable character he made famous in so many movies and routines. Abbott plays the straight man to the “T”, never realizing or believing what is really going on until we get deep into Costello’s neurotic behavior. (His mimicry of the monsters is so much fun to watch.)

Abbott and Costello was one of the premiere comedy teams of their time. Everyone knew their names and everyone recognized their faces from the movie shows. They made dozens of films and a few TV series too. Combining them with the monster movie format was basically a stroke of genius. But combining them with the original actors (playing it straight) is divine.

The monsters are fantastic and the comedic routine is perfect. It’s just the right mix of scary creatures, suspenseful plot line,  and funny moments for a family Halloween movie night or to just introduce the youngsters to the thrills (tame as it may be) of  the horror/monster genre.